Studio M03 AT - Design Project

Under the general Studio M03 thematic framework on culture, this studio aims to develop the ability of critical overview of interrelationships: program requirements, site-specificity, technical and technological systems. There are two approaches: 1) one that focuses mainly on the elements of project management, the technological and regulatory challenges of current practice, 2) and the other that explores the issues of sustainability and formulation of the architectural concept of a contemporary building based on the principles of green architecture. The course goal is acquiring the methods of analysis of generative impact factors (natural and created) with an adequate solution of the program requirements and performance of the object. Through the project, students are introduced to new methods of defining contemporary concepts of building envelopes, estimating construction costs, technical and technological characteristics to the level of architectural detail with constant parallel customisation to the annual climate rhythm. The specific goal of the assignment is to develop a concept based on respect for the natural and built environment – from the level of the concrete site and its potentials and limitations to the careful selection of structures and materials.
The outcome of the course is the mastery of knowledge and techniques that enable adequate understanding and analysis of the impact of natural and created elements of the environment and their adequate treatment through the design and construction of buildings, minimising the negative impacts of the building, based on contemporary theoretical concepts and technological solutions.