Mihajlo Arandjelović
The idea is to provide a view of two key points in the area – the Ada bridge and Hall 1 of the Belgrade Fair. By researching the flow of traffic, both vehicular and pedestrian, I conclude that Vojvode Mišića Boulevard has a high frequency, in the continuation of the analysis, I noticed the fall of the terrain, which affects the cascading of the building. The frequency of the streets affects the brokenness (dynamism) / lack of dynamism of the facade. The broken houses on Senjak made the form so playful.
The initial module in the design of the apartment is 60 cm (kitchen work element), the sports center and the parking garage require larger spans. With the fact that one parking space is 2.5 m wide, we come to the option of using a 60 cm module and the dimensions of the parking lot to reach possible modules of 7.8 m and 8.4 m. Also, for my concept, Hall 1 has a big role, a 10x10m module came out of the circle, so I later reduced it to 8.4m due to the needs of the task.